Friday 19 April 2013

Colour Pallets??
I want to look at circus inspired art. what colours they use and the simple strokes of the brushes used to create such art.
I came across a couple of interesting a inspiring pieces of art. I love the shapes and the over all fun of them.

Mark Chagall

Circus Horse Rider, Marc Chagall

Circus Circus Kimberly Faires

I love how this looks almost 3d and shinny to touch
The brush strokes are beautiful too.
makeup by Esther van Maanen

I look I felt told the same story as the paintings, the idea of paint strokes colliding on to the efface to tell a story.

Colorful Face Body Painting Art

Another fun idea ,it looks like dashes of paint ,the same look could be created using finger painting.

Color Portrait Body Painting Art

This look is very abstract and colourful!

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