Monday 29 April 2013

I put some fullers earth in the hair then added some illamasqua golden eye shadow over the toy.
For my final look I will cover the hole hair with the golden eye shadow and also add some glitter. I liked the effect the fullers earth had on the hair was easy to mould and stayed in shape. For the eyes I wanted a dark eye with a bit of gold in the inner water line.
I want to contour more when I do this look for my final look and also add more depth to the eyes. 

a collection of gold glitter makeup,looks created by makeup artists,Pat Mcgrath,charlotte Tilbury and Alex box.
I Particularly love the idea of having beautifully clean skin surrounded by this cluster of glitter.the idea of beauty and circus neatly put together.

With gold as your favorite color you appreciate life completely - with your optimistic attitude you are not happy to passively sit back and wait for things to happen - you must be an active participant.
I love the clusters of glitter around the eyes yet the rest of the face is kept simple.
Subtle eye makeup yet beautiful!

Ellie Goulding covered in glitter.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Fabrics and Textures
I want to look at textures and fabrics for inspiration, when I think of the circus I think of bright colours and glitter!!
Christina Aguilera -Hurt

it is important to me to see other people's interpretations of the word circus, what colours fabrics and textures they feel inspired by. looking at Christina Aguilera's video for Hurt you immediately get the feel of a circus from the glitter sparkle and clown like colours.

Picture of Christina Aguilera

Thursday 25 April 2013

More experimenting

Today I wanted to experiment with finger painting for my beauty shot.
I like the look however I feel I need something more clean and contoured for my beauty look. but it was fun to play around with some ideas.

I can imagine this look with big hair and a glitter top hat
I like the lips the way they are two toned

Mario Testino

Simple yet beautiful!
something i want to create is the idea of the body being a human canvas.the idea of play with the body.the circus is all about colour and fun!

theatrical idea of man wearing lipstick i though very circus like.if i get anything from this image its the idea of playing with the face and playing with the unconventional 'normal'




Moises Ramirez

mosies is an artist based in NYC and his work is bright and unique,he mixes painting with makeup,he paints onto the face like he would paint onto a canvas.I am particularly interested in his work as i am looking at creating something very colourful and contoured.i love his clown like images yet they are beautiful,the brush strokes each thought out.
Moises's work reminds me of Alex box's work for Illamasqua as her works are pieces of art.finding ispiration from art rather than beauty.

I love the way he has chopped at the hair the look goes strongly with the makeup.very striking.

a beautiful piece of work.playful yet clown like.

I love the way the paint looks almost random yet where they have been placed is creating contour.

I particularly enjoyy these two images and would like to try the in depth contouring of the face.i love the rushed brush strokes over the face.the idea of an artist getting into his work.

Alex Box

striking colours against the black background.
Something i will need to think about is how i want my images photographed.what background i want to best show off my work.

Another clown like circus inspired image.

Makeup be karla Powell

I loved this image when i first saw it then i came across the progression of the image and loved this idea.the idea that each image tells a story.

I love the playful poses.

I am really feeling inspired by the splats and dashes of paint going over the body.

love the strokes going across the chest and contouring under the cheek bones.

Friday 19 April 2013

For my more wearable Illamasqua look i want the main focus to be on a glittered fabulous eye.

Lots of sparkle at the circus!

I love this look,its simple yet the main focus is on the dramatic eyes!

I like these two shades together they are very circus like.


I like the idea of having the gold going in to the hair like the gold is part of the hair and the face moulding the two together.
gold makeup look

I love the depth in the eyes of this image.


Beautiful graduation of colour going up the face.

Gold -Spandau ballet
feeling very inspired to paint something GOLD!!!!

I wanted to create a mood board for me to look at when creating face charts .I want strong abstract outlines, glitter and big hair!!

Circus inspired makeup look
this look is inspired by my art research and,i feel an on going pattern of glitter and a lot of colour!
When i look at a picture of a circus,its the first thing you see, glitter and colour!
I want this to come out in my images.

I started by basically doing the main contouring of the face.i contoured under the cheek bone and along the for head i also ran some colour over the eyes.I wanted to create a nice base for my makeup application.
I was very inspired by shapes i saw in my circus art research and this is where i got the idea for my brows.
I then wanted to add sparkle to the brows so dotted on some sequins.
I added glitter to the forehead and more black to add dimension to the face. I am still not sure about the lips i may add some red glitter to them
Colour Pallets??
I want to look at circus inspired art. what colours they use and the simple strokes of the brushes used to create such art.
I came across a couple of interesting a inspiring pieces of art. I love the shapes and the over all fun of them.

Mark Chagall

Circus Horse Rider, Marc Chagall

Circus Circus Kimberly Faires

I love how this looks almost 3d and shinny to touch
The brush strokes are beautiful too.
makeup by Esther van Maanen

I look I felt told the same story as the paintings, the idea of paint strokes colliding on to the efface to tell a story.

Colorful Face Body Painting Art

Another fun idea ,it looks like dashes of paint ,the same look could be created using finger painting.

Color Portrait Body Painting Art

This look is very abstract and colourful!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Bigger is better!!!
I want to add some circus inspired balls and lots more colour !!!
I am really happy with the work i did today,it really represents everything i have been working towards..i wanted a clown like lion like inspired doo.
I used crimpers and lots of back brushing!!

I want to remind myself that this shoot is fun and colourful and these images help you to feel this way.

Colourful and quirky!!

Getting inspiration from photographers is very helpful in my research as posing is something i need to think about and photographer know how they want their models to stand and pose.
I enjoy this image alot as she comes across as a woman that is in control and domaneering with her high and spikey shoes.