Wednesday 8 May 2013


My initial thoughts when I was handed the brief for Illamasqua was first excitement then the pressure of wanting to create something so unique as the brand pride them self on being a one off brand.
The brand to me screams colour and madness. I wanted to make sure to create something the brand would be proud of.
When asked my initial ideas on the first day of the brief I had an open mind to anything.I found my self always rather fascinated with circus's and as id never been before I found this a great opportunity to explore the world of the circus.
I began my research by looking at the work of Alex Box the creative director for Illamasqua. I went to a display she did at the university and have felt inspired ever since.
She works with the face and works out what will work on that particular model.
I work in a similar way so I wanted to find my models early and work out what the strengths were on my models.
For this project I have been particularly inspired by shapes in paintings and also by fashion designers such as Galliano and Westwood.
Through out this project I have been experimented on my self at home and also in the studio,this has been very helpful in the development process and also getting feedback from the group and the teachers always helps.
I am very happy with my two final looks and hope to enter them into this years competition. I love working with Illamasqua as they allow you to play and let the creativity explode!

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